Two Tips on Transitioning Into College Like a Pro

Hello Hart High! I’m Ivy Jacobson, a Hart alum who has just started her second year at UC Riverside. While at Hart, I participated in show choir and theatre, while also taking many AP courses. I know the stress and struggles of beginning the college application process and transitioning to college. I hope this article finds you all in good health, both physical and mental. If you are stressed or confused, you are not alone and you are strong enough to see it through, I promise. 


Tip #1: Make Good Friends  

Good friends make all the struggles worth it. Having a circle of good friends who are

either in your classes, your dorm or hall acts as a necessary support system as you deal with

the stress of transitioning to college. Though making friends can be harder in a virtual setting, try

to make a group chat with your peers so you can navigate your course materials together. If you

realize someone in the chat is funny or has similar interests, ask for their number. You have to be

willing to take the first step. Understand that everyone is just as stressed and confused as you.

Taking uncomfortable steps, such as messaging a stranger, can lead to deep friendships. Your

mental health is an important piece of the college puzzle. Everything, whether it be academics or

social situations depend greatly on your mental health. Having people to turn to and support

you in times of failure and defeat is the greatest comfort I have ever known. 


Tip #2: Ask for Help 

Asking for help can mean a wide variety of things. From asking peers to study with you,

to learning about your college’s student resources, asking for help is always worth it no matter

how difficult it is to work up the courage to do so. The worst mistake you can make is to shy

away from asking for help when you need it. Not to mention, you are now paying for the help you are receiving; use the resources and knowledge that is at your disposal. It’s very rare that your questions and challenges are unique to you. There are always other students looking for the same answers. Asking your question may also help others who are not as comfortable voicing their problems. 


Overall, if you stay true to who you are, accept challenges with outstretched hands, and

are kind and honest with your peers and teachers, you’ll have a wonderful time in college. It’s

stressful, and that stress doesn’t fade, but college, and all of the struggles that come with it,

are worth it when you find your people and your passions. Good luck and stay well!
