Ivan Chavarria, class of 2025, is not your typical high school student. Chavarria lives in Lancaster and commutes to Hart High School every day. He does this because of the campus’s wonderful community.
“I love the school…and its community. I wouldn’t want to mess that up. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m glad I didn’t go to my home school—it didn’t seem right for me, especially in the area that I live in. I would much rather be in Hart’s community; I really enjoy it,” he said.
Chavarria gets up at 5:00 a.m. (6:00 during late starts) to make it to his first class of the day: Honors Algebra II/Trig. He is also involved in AP U.S. History, AP Physics, French 3, Choir and AP Lang.
“Choir is probably my favorite class. A usual day in my life consists of a type of after-school rehearsal that I have to attend to for about an hour, depending on the type of rehearsal. I then go home and rehearse and do my homework,” he said.
Chavarria is currently a member of the after-school bass group Unleashed and the novice choir class Hart n’ Soul. He first joined Unleashed to have a connection with his older brother, who joined the program in 2019. Chavarria chose to continue choir because of the energy of the community and the friends he made. Choir has taught Chavarria to be more consistent, and he has since learned the do’s and don’ts when performing.
“The most notable thing for me is to learn how to actually sing. I plan to take classes to improve my singing and dancing skills over the summer to prepare myself for whatever choir I get into next year. I don’t want to be a hindrance to choir, I want to bring myself up,” he said.
Chavarria had truly shown his dedication as a student through the show choir program and embodies all the aspects of a successful student. With his ability to dedicate time to both his studies and extracurricular activities, it is without a doubt that he will succeed in his long-term student goal: becoming steady in his academics.