Beware of the twists and turns of The Inheritance Games

During this pandemic, I have taken to reading books to keep me busy and once I ran out of books to read from my bookshelf, I turned to internet suggestions. While searching, I discovered The Inheritance Games, written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

The book follows Avery Grambs, a girl whose only goal in life is to finish high school, earn a scholarship and go to a college that has a great actuarial science program that will allow her to double major in poker and math. However, all her plans are destroyed when she gets summoned to a billionaire’s estate in Texas who recently died. She has been requested to be there for the reading of the will, as it cannot be read without her presence. This man just happens to be the richest man in the state of Texas, with a net worth of 46.2 billion dollars. Once the will is read, it is found that he left more to his loyal guard that saved his life multiple times than he left to his daughters and grandsons. Not only that, but the rest of the money and all the estates are left to Avery Kylie Grambs.

After that, everything is chaos. The billionaire’s daughters try to find a way to take the money from her, and two of his grandsons think there were some clues in the will and go on a wild goose chase to find out what the clues lead to. What I love about this part of the book is that we can see her slowly falling in love, but she can’t see it. The story easily became one of my new favorites and I can’t wait to buy the next book in the series.

It is a good mix of an adventure and romance novel, with more adventure than romance so that it doesn’t overpower the overall plot of the story, and it also partially has aspects of a mystery novel. The book has tons of twists and surprises, and a terrible assassination attempt, which is actually quite comical. Her life before she had money was hard, and she didn’t have much to use. When she did, she used it to give a homeless man breakfast in the morning, which was very kind of her. After she got money, I loved that her first thoughts weren’t to spend it, but to use it to help others like that homeless man. She’s selfless and kind to everyone around her, thinking of her family and friends before herself.

I also enjoyed that this was a sort of mystery and she was the investigator. I always love a good story with secret passages and hidden compartments, especially when the story ends with a cliffhanger, forcing the reader to want to read the next book to find out where the mystery leads. With a good book like this one, I would advise to be careful not to get lost in the book, because it was very easy for me to forget what was reality and what was just words on pages.