I Am Not Okay With This puts audiences on the edge of their seats

February 26, Netflix released the show I Am Not Okay With This. It follows high schooler Sydney Novak, a girl who doesn’t exactly fit in. Not only has her family life changed dramatically since the death of her father, but she has discovered that she has powers she can’t control. Sydney questions her sexuality throughout the show and befriends Stanley Barber who tries to help her figure out what’s going on with her powers.

I quite enjoyed the show. Though there are only seven episodes, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Every episode revealed something new, like Sydney finding out that her father had the same powers as her, and that she may also be interested in girls.

I would recommend this show to anyone that enjoys comedies and dramas. I would also recommend it to anyone that likes the show The End Of The F—ing World. In my opinion, I Am Not Okay With This is similar to The End Of The F—ing World because the characters are somewhat bland. I found that in both shows, the situations that the characters got into added comedic relief rather than the characters themselves.

Despite this, I am looking forward to what will happen in the second season. I am excited to see how the relationship between Sydney and Stanley grows and how Sydney progresses with her powers. Additionally, I’m looking forward to finding out who the person following Sydney is and how they know her. I would also like to know why they stole her journal. Hopefully the second season is just as good as the first, if not better. I’d give this show five out of five stars.