Pencil, Paper, Experiment, Rinse, Repeat

To be honest, this was for a college application essay assignment for english class. The topic was to tell an experience only you (the writer) could show to the audience. The entire assignment felt like an experice, so I put it down in words and showed this experience from my own perspective.

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Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat… Pencil, Paper, Experiment, Rinse, Repeat! 


That’s been my entire life up to this point. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

An endless cycle, repeated by me and my classmates in Mrs. Lopez’s Expository Reading and Writing Course at Hart High School. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

An endless cycle that I let myself get lost in whenever I draw, write, have problems with my ADD and Dyslexia, or tutor the kids at my temple. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

Letting myself get lost as my pencil lightly dances across the page, as my grip gets tighter and tighter. And then suddenly, SNAP! My lead breaks as I experiment a little too hard with how dark my graphite can get. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat.

And then, rinse that same graphite off the page with my eraser until it is so thin, you no longer need the light to see through the paper. Only to repeat the same process on a different page. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

You would think I would get tired of writing those same five words over and over again. But, I don’t. For they have been my life. They have been my experience

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

To be quite honest, I could say, “keyboard, monitor, experiment, rinse, repeat,” instead. But, the feel of paper in my hands is too good to pass up. 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat.

And as my hand cramps from gripping my mechanical pencil too hard, I remember something a friend told me as we started this experience together: “You like giving it your all. You’re very passionate!” 

Pencil, paper, experiment, rinse, repeat. 

Even as I finish my years in high school, always know that I will continue this never ending, wonderful cycle of: