Of all the classic 90’s kids shows, two of them stand out for their educational and entertaining natures. The programs I’m referring to are Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Magic School Bus, of course. These two shows cover scientific topics in similarly interesting and quirky fashions; so the question is- which one is better?
While Nye might have a catchy theme song and a lovable personality: he’s just one man. A Science Guy, singular. The Magic School Bus sweeps the board in both categories that Nye boasts about: entertainment and educational value.
The Magic School Bus never stops keeping the premise interesting. In each episode, Ms. Frizzle’s class will dive headfirst into a scientific wonder. Whether it be space, plants or the human body, her class will always get the opportunity to experience it firsthand. While Nye also displays scientific finds and principles, his setting is either his dingy lab or, even weirder, some random kids’ house.
While this is meant to make the audience feel more related to the topic being discussed, it also comes across as tacky, or redundant episode to episode. The Magic School Bus keeps the setting fresh, while maintaining a sense of familiarity through the bus and the members of Ms. Frizzle’s class.
Another facet that The Magic School Bus is stronger in is its educational value. Yes, each show does have strong foundations in their respective science teachings, but their methodology are each very different. Nye explains the scientific principles to his younger audience in a wacky and funky fashion. This is effective, sure, but eventually it begins to come off as more of a lecture than a television show.
The Magic School Bus shows off its strength by teaching about science in a plot driven way. Instead of just telling viewers about science, it utilizes scientific principles and facts to problem solve, showing off the practicality of the subject while keeping the entertainment factor. The program shows its students that, yes, science can be used to find solutions and that it’s more than boring numbers and facts.
Despite the entire argument thus far, both Bill Nye the Science Guy and the Magic School Bus have been integral parts of our childhoods, as they caught the attention of every curious kid in our classrooms. They both piqued our interests and showed us that learning can be fun and weird and, despite there being zero scientific grounds for a school bus with eyes, taught us about how cool science can be.