President Biden signs a trillion dollar COVID relief bill to provide aid for Americans

President Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill March 11, 2021. The bill was passed in Congress without a single Republican vote and every Democrat vote. This led to a tie in votes, so Vice President Kamala Harris broke the tie giving it the majority needed to pass.

The bill sends a $1,400 stimulus to most Americans and provides a $300 per week unemployment insurance boost until September 6. It also provides $20 billion towards vaccinations, $25 billion into rental and utility assistance and $350 billion into state, local and tribal relief. $120 billion is provided to schools for reopening efforts.

“This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving people in this nation, working people, middle-class folks, the people who built this country, a fighting chance,” said Biden before signing the bill.

Later the same day, Biden gave a prime time address to the country outlining how his administration would move forward in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. In it, he directed states to make all adults eligible to receive the vaccine by May 1. He also commented on making efforts to increase unity in the country, specifically condemning crimes against Asian-Americans.