Hart for the Homeless reveals future drives and the club’s future plans

February 11, Hart for the Homeless (H4H) hosted their third donation drive where they collected Valentine’s Day cards for the shelter Bridge to Home. H4H received over 100 cards in donations with positive messages to bring joy to the homeless and spread love. During the month of March, H4H has another drive planned. Their upcoming project is to collect gift cards for homeless students. Giftcards could include but are not limited to Ross, Marshalls, T.J. Maxx, Old Navy, Target, Walmart, Food 4 Less, Vallarta or Visa or Master gift cards. 

“Even any small amount of gift cards to Starbucks, McDonalds, In-N-Out.. I am working on helping motivate students with incentives. And unfortunately the students that need the most motivation are students that are experiencing homelessness,” said Hart’s social worker Elizabeth Orozco. 

Currently the officers for H4H are planning on opening the applications soon for next year’s officers. If you are interested in partaking in an officer position or want to learn more about it, you can email Bella Sandoval at [email protected]

The advisor for H4H is Mrs. Colton, and they meet the first Thursday of every month at 12:45 pm. If you are interested in joining Hart for the Homeless, join their Google Classroom with the code is zgianrs. They also have an Instagram account, @hartforthehomeless.