Truth be Told resumes meeting via Zoom


Logo by Kyla Jones

Truth Be Told (TBT), a Bible club run by President Nicole Felici, is back online and ready for business. Each meeting, a guest speaker teaches about a different facet of the Bible. While quarantine has impacted TBT, the club is still continuing to meet every other Thursday under their advisor Mrs. Lee.

Junior Maya Argota joined TBT her freshman year and has since been an active member.

“As a result of TBT being moved to an online format, it has become a little more difficult to get the word out about the club, but we have still been able to have some inspiring meetings even over Zoom. I’m definitely super grateful for that,” said Argota.

The friendships forged at TBT continue to connect its members regardless of the club’s online format.

“One of my favorite things at TBT definitely has to be the incredible connection we have with each other, regardless if we know one another or not. We all bond in a way through our desire to look at the Bible together,” Argota said.

TBT’s Google Classroom code is r3bfqb4, and their Instagram is @harttbt. New members are welcome.