Opinion Column: The most controversial question in society is answered

Possibly one of the most controversial and debated topics in our society is the question: Do you prefer cats or dogs? Well, let’s face the truth, cats are better than dogs. As a person who grew up with both cats and dogs, I can confidently say that I love both species; however, cats continue to capture my favor. Cats are continuously misjudged and hated upon by a world that doesn’t give them a chance. 

I often hear that cats are scary. Well, just like dogs, they have four legs, fur and a tail. Cats may indeed hiss, but dogs bark. When cats scratch, dogs attack. Cats are little fluff balls who just want to be loved. But, how can they be loved if people continually suggest their yellow eyes are set to kill? If anything, the boney, chicken-legged body and high-pitched yelp of a Chihuahua is more frightening than a cat. An admirable quality of cats is that they are selective in who they choose to bond with. Subsequently, people think cats are not friendly. Dogs are joyful to play with anyone and love all. While this is a favorable trait, it may prevent deep, special and one-of-a-kind connections from flourishing. Cats often choose few humans to form connections with, attaching themselves to the hip of those they love. This connection is not based on the idea that cats need humans to feed them either. A study in Behavioral Processes concluded that a cat’s preferred stimulus is social interaction in comparison to food, toys and scent. I fail to understand how an animal so loving and affectionate is regarded as a horror. 

In addition, practical components prove cats to be easier pets than dogs. For those in search of a low-maintenance friend, cats are the way to go. With a litter box, food and water, cats are set for life. Dogs may require walks, leashes, food, grooming, training classes, a crate and so much more. Cats also take up less space than dogs. While dogs come in a variety of sizes, cats remain petite enough to lay in your arms. Imagine holding a Saint Bernard, let alone attempting to share a couch with one. Best of all, cats will not produce the deafening, vexatious sound that is barking. The incessant bark of a dog may prevent people from relaxing. On the other hand, a cat’s meow and purr remain quiet and comforting. 

I could go on for a while discussing the reasons I believe what I believe, but for now, let’s leave it at this: cats are better than dogs. I may be biased as I’m typing this article with my cat in my lap and my dogs outside barking at strangers, so believe what you will. However, try to give cats the benefit of the doubt the next time they appear in your life.