I Used to Know You

This poem is based on old and broken friendships. Friendships that did meant the world to you at the time but faded away to a distant memory. Whether or not on good terms now, you will always have a place for them.

We may not be side by side anymore. 


I hope you think of me when you walk in the rain.

I hope you think of me when you drink your favorite coffee. 

I hope you think of me when you ice skate. 

I hope you think of me when you watch the movies we used to binge. 


I hope you think of me often. 


I hope you think of how you lit up my life for a short period of time. 

I hope you think about how hard you made me laugh. 

I hope you think about all the times we spent together. 


But more importantly, 

I hope you think of me when you’re broken.

When you feel like the world is crumbling, 

I hope you think of me as someone who will always help you up. 

During those calls you used to make when you were on your last straw and I convinced you to be rational. 

I hope you think of me as someone who will always have your back even when it’s not beside mine. 


I hope you think of me often.