Importance of class size

Have you ever considered class size as a detrimental factor to your education career? Has class size ever made you incapable of interacting with both your teachers and classmates? Has class size ever stopped you from reaching your educational potential? If so, this article is for you.

Although class size may seem like a trivial factor in someone’s education, it can actually play a major role in both learning and attention. According to “Does class size matter? Research reveals surprises,” by John Higgins, “Teachers give students better, more tailored instructions in smaller classes”. Take me as an example. During my time at an educational summer camp in ninth grade, I was put in a classroom filled with more students than I could count. As a result, I was unable to voice out my questions and have personal one on one conferences with my teachers since there were just too many students with personal needs and inquiries. This was indeed very troubling since there were many times when I misheard what the teacher said or actually forgot what the teacher was saying, but I would be unable to ask them due to my class size. In addition to this incident, I was also given the opportunity to experience a class with fewer students in the ninth grade. I soon came to realize the advantages of having a smaller class size. One, a smaller class size could lead to a more attentive behavior since smaller classes mean that students are more capable of paying more attention to the teacher instead of chatting about irrelevant topics. Two, a smaller class size allows the teacher and student to be more close and interactive, resulting in the student’s questions being answered. And lastly, a smaller smaller class size promotes cooperation since smaller groups means tighter bonds.